- Its simply an On Line Data Base of Bangladeshi Residents living in Newcastle Australia..
- It is NOT ‘BCF Committee Membership’ NOR our “Website Membership”.
- If you are a Bangladeshi Resident – you are eligible to be enlisted. Pls Use the “Directory Entry” Form to Apply.
- Fill up the Fields specially Required Ones (* marked).
- Click on “reCAPTCHA” to proof- Applicant is a Human, not computer Generated.
- Read & Accept the ‘Privacy Policy‘ AND ‘Terms & Conditions‘ of our Website.
- Without accepting, “Submit Button” won’t be activated & You can’t send the Form.
- After successful Submission, once approved, Your details will be soon included in the Directory.
- Note: Some general Data (Name, Mobile etc) on Directory will be Open to On Line. But Sensitive ones like (DOB/ Address etc) to be kept restricted & only to be provided to registered Web User- with permission of the List Member).