BCF- a community forum of Bangladeshi residents living in Hunter region, NSW Australia.
– To create a unique bond among Bangladeshi Residents on the basis of rich Bangladeshi Cultural Heritage in order to strengthen inter-communication, Friendship & Co-operation & thus to make a strong Bangladeshi Ethnic Community in Vibrant Multi-cultured Australia.
– Presently BCF has a Steering Committee including a Coordinator. Programs are carried out with the voluntary participation / help from local Bangladeshi Community.
– BCF, for all Funding- solely depends on Voluntary donation from the participating members of Local Bangladeshi Community.
– BCF is an Open Forum for all Bangladeshi Residents living in Hunter region, NSW Australia. Its present Official Structure doesn’t require any Bangladeshi Resident to have any “Membership” to participate in BCF’s various Program. But “RSVP” through “Contact Us” Form or By Phone (to BCF Cordinator) is always highly appreciated as the Estimation helps BCF to stage a Program smoothly & successfully.
– This is the official Web Site of Bangladesh Cultural Forum (BCF) Hunter. It is the Online Lounge for communicating and sharing thoughts among Bangladeshi Residents living in Hunter, NSW Australia. It tries to reflect their Local Life, Culture & Social activities. All Visitors are warmly invited to their Digital World….
– Ours is an On Line Web Site .. open to all. Visitors can brows most of the Pages without any “LOG IN” requirement. But to ‘Comment’ on Forums, Posts, Articles etc & to ‘Chat’ in Chat Rooms, or to get Access to Restricted “Members Only” Pages/ Data (with owner’s permission off course) – you must SIGN IN with your “Web Membership”. Pls use “Web Membership” Form to apply. NOTE: this membership is only related to this Web site & not to be confused with “BCF Committee Membership”.
– If you need to contact us for any reason (in relation to BCF Website) … to Complaint, Query or to make any Suggestion or just to express your Satisfaction (Testimonial), Pls use the “Contact Us” Form. Once received- we will try our best to respond asap.